About us
Inspire Homeschool Academy offers core and extra-curricular classes for the traditional Christian homeschooling family. Our classes are fashioned to enrich and support the schoolwork being taught at home, by the homeschooling parents. While many of our classes involve homework and can be used for a solid credit, Inspire is not meant to be a students sole source of education.
Inspire Homeschool Academy Admission Policy
The Inspire Homeschool Academy actively seeks families with children grades K-12 who wish to encourage their children who have :
The desire to learn new things and apply that learning in a group environment.
An interest in the larger world, a genuine concern for others, and a willingness to participate in and contribute to the school community.
The desire to explore a variety of experiences in order to develop their God given talents.
At Inspire, we believe that God has uniquely created each child with a variety of learning styles and needs or abilities. What is most important to us at Inspire, is the family’s willingness to be engaged in their child’s education and the student’s desire to learn, improve, become self-empowered and full of self-esteem. While students of many abilities attend Inspire Homeschool Academy, from those who are profoundly gifted, to those students with very minor learning disabilities such as dyslexia – we do not, however, have the special staff certification or teaching resources necessary to provide for the needs and nurturing of students with severe learning disabilities, certain mental disorders, or disciplinary problems. We do know a vast array of resources and are always happy to refer you to programs that will best benefit the needs of your child.
To request more information about Inspire Homeschool Academy or schedule a visit, please contact admissions:
Phone: Tel: 678-675-7240
E-mail: inspirehsa@gmail.com
We look forward to hearing from you and meeting you and your child.
Enrollment Process
1. Complete an Enrollment Application though the link to the right.
2. The Inspire Homeschool Academy Head of School will contact you to set up a time to meet with you and have you visit the school.
3. We will reach out to you to pick your classes.
4. Once you have picked your classes, pay the $75 registration fee, any supply fees and your first month's tuition and you are ready to go!
We are always accepting students on a rolling basic, however due to the nature of some classes, it is best if you join at the beginning if the school year.
Some classes do require a minimum of students. If the class does not have enough students, your deposit will be returned.