Inspire Homeschool Academy is a one day a week non-denominational Christian program dedicated to meeting the needs of the traditional homeschooling family.
Inspire comes from the Greek word theopneustos
Word Origin - from theos and pnéō
theos - God pnéō - breathed-out
Definition: God-breathed, inspired by God
About Us

Students Grades k-12
Kindergarten through 5th grade on Mondays
Middle School through High School (6-12) on Tuesdays
Kindergarten -12 on Thursdays
All Classes at Inspire run September through May, not by semester.
We are a PARTNERSHIP where the parent maintains control of the child's education.
As homeschoolers, we understand your educational time is most valuable, and that we may not be the only program or extra-curricular activity your children pursue. This is why we have classes only one day a week – Tuesdays. This allows your family time to compliment strong coursework with extracurricular activities that balance the educational foundation for your children. Family remains paramount in this process.
Statement of Faith

1 Corinthians 12:12-27
We are a non-denominational faith-based Christian school. We do not require a signed statement of faith. Our students and teachers are all believers, and come from different denominations of the Christian faith.
Our staff, families, and students are expected to remain united in our Christian faith and our love for our Lord and are to avoid pushing personal beliefs or taking positions that can cause denominational discord.
Non-Discrimination Policy

‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:31
God loves us and commands us to love one another. God has uniquely created each child with a variety of learning styles and needs or abilities. Race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender, age, marital status, or disability is never used as a consideration for acceptance into Inspire Homeschool Academy.

We are not a licensed or accredited facility as it is not required by law in the state of Georgia as a Learning Pod. Accreditation is a process in which school standards are evaluated by an accreditation agency. In the United States, this process is not completed by the federal government, but by private companies with varying rules and standards. An accredited diploma is not required, nor necessary to graduate or to be accepted to any college or university.
At Inspire, we believe the parent is the ultimate authority when it comes to decisions regarding their child's education. We choose not to be associated with any particular credit-granting agency because we feel that it takes ultimate control away from the parent. Inspire Homeschool Academy believes it is each homeschooling parent's individual right to choose to not to accredit at all or to choose to accredit and which homeschooling accrediting agency they will use for their child's transcript.
The classes offered at Inspire may satisfy accreditation standards for different accreditation programs homeschooling parents may individually wish to pursue their credits through on their own.
The teachers and staff are often busy with the needs of our students; it is best that you call to make an appointment to visit the school.
Located at Sunset Hills Baptist Church - Douglasville, GA
Serving an 8 county surrounding area and conveniently close to many major highways including 92, 278, 20 and 120, Inspire is the perfect location for our families that come from the many surrounding counties including Paulding, Cobb, Douglas, Caroll, Bartow and more!
Inspire Homeschool Academy LLC
School Hours:
During the 2024 -2025 school year the physical school is open:
Monday - 9am-4pm
Tuesday - 9am - 4pm
Thursday - 9am - 4pm
Administrator Hours:
Mon, Tue, Thurs - 9am to 4pm
Wednesday, Friday, Sat, Sun - Closed
Head of School - Rosemary Giordano
Tel: 678-675-7240
Athletic Director - Kristy Short
Physical Address of Program
Sunset Hill Baptist Church
2079 Midway Rd, Douglasville, GA 30135
Tel: 678-675-7240
© 2018 by Inspire Homeschool Academy.