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02 Fathoms Below.mp3 - Sailors, Grimsby, Prince Eric
05 Daughters of Triton.mp3 - Mersisters
06 Where's Ariel.mp3 - Mersisters
09 Human Stuff.mp3 - Scuttle, Gull1, Gull2, Gull3
12 Part of Your World.mp3 - Ariel
13 Under the Sea.mp3 - Sebastian, Ariel, Sea Chorus
16 The Storm.mp3 - Ariel, Scuttle and Sea Chorus
17 Part of Your World Reprise.mp3 - Ariel
18 Part of Your World (reprise 2).mp3 - Ariel
19 She's in Love.mp3 - Mersisters, Flounder
24 Poor Unfortunate Souls.mp3 - Ursula,Flotsam, Jetsam
25 Beluga Sevruga.mp3 - Ursula, Ariel
28 Les Poissons.mp3 - Chef Louis, Chef Assistants, Sebastian(facials)
30 One Step Closer.mp3 - Prince Eric (Ariel Dances)
32 Kiss the Girl.mp3 - Sebastian, Scuttle, Flounder, Sea Chorus, (Flotsam and Jetsam speaking)
35 The Contest.mp3 - Grimsby, The Princesses
37 Time's Up.mp3 - Ursula (Prince Eric, Grimsby, Sebastian speaking)
39 Poor Unfortunate Souls (reprise).mp3 - Ursula, (Triton speaking)
41 Whirlpool.mp3 (Ursula, Eels, Sebastian, Ariel, Flounder, Triton - all speaking)
42 Human Again.mp3 - Sea Chorus
43 Part of Your World (finale).mp3 - Ariel, Everyone
44 Under the Sea (bows).mp3 - Everyone