Ballet - "The Foundation of Dance"
Ballet provides you the foundation for all other forms of dance. This class will teach you the basics of ballet and ballet French. You will not only learn a ballet step, but you will also learn the meaning of the French word and the proper spelling.
There will be a recital at the end of the year.
This is a perfect class for those students who have never taken a dance class before, who would like to take ballet without the commitment required of belonging to a bigger dance studio, those who are interested in theatre and would like to add to their acting skills, and is acceptable as a gym credit for accreditation purposes.
Parents are invited to sign up and join us for ballet as well if they would like to regain/retain muscle strength and agility. (no parents do not have to be part of the recital, but are certainly invited)
Ballet Class Time: 3:00 pm to 4:15 pm Tuesday
Recommended Age/Grade: 4th grade and up
Instructor: Cassie Giordano
Cost: $50 per month
Supplies: Water bottle for every class, see below for required attire.
Recital Costume Fee: TBD, usually around $50-$60 - not due until December - Students will get to keep costumes.
Min/Max: 3/12 -
Ballet shoes
I recommend split sole leather ballet shoes. Hybrid shoes (half leather half canvas) are acceptable, too. Socks may not be worn instead of ballet shoes. Ballet shoes must be real ballet shoes. Not fashion ballet slippers. Any drawstrings on ballet shoes must be tucked into the shoe. Not in a bow or hanging out.
Black Leotard and wrap skirt
No low cut halter top or zipper front leotards. Please make sure leotard style fits body type. The wrap skirt is not required, but it is recommended for modesty.
Pink ballet tights
Footed tights (can be convertible) in ballet pink must be worn under your leotard for class. Please do not wear tights with holes. Real ballet tights are required. Not pink fashion tights.
Long hair must be pulled into a neat bun (bobby pins, hair net, hair spray). Short hair must be pulled away from face. Leotard and tights must be clean and neat. Dancers must be able to participate fully in physical activity. Dancers will be expected to learn and comprehend ballet French.