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Psychology from a Christian Perspective


Most college students will be required to take a psychology course at some point in their college careers. This class will introduce Christian high school students to the study of the human mind and will prepares them for the worldview challenges introduced in college and embedded in modern psychology's theories and schools-of-thought. Students will understand how the Christian worldview contrasts with the psycho-dynamic, behavioristic, humanistic, and evolutionary perspectives. The class will cover the history of psychology, as well as current theories on motivation, emotion, development, memory, sensation, abnormal psychology, social psychology, treatment, and more.


Note: Psychology DOES count as a third SOCIAL SCIENCE REQUIREMENT for college


Class time:  11:00am - 11:55am - Tuesday

Age/Grade:  8th-12th

Instructor: Mrs. Dana Schaefer

Cost:  $50 a month

Supply Fee: $10

Min/Max:   4/8

Class size is limited to 8 Seats


Supplies: Binder with loose leaf paper, pencils, pens

Text: Psychology: A Christian Perspective, High School Edition


  • ISBN-13:  9780981558721

  • Publisher: Homeschool Psych


This text is available on as well as used on


Note: The teacher companion guide with answers and tests is not required nor recommended for this class.  


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