Your student will learn about pitch, the staff, the musical alphabet, clefs, ledger lines, the grand staff, names of the white and black keys on the piano, intervals, half & whole steps, accidentals, scales, beats, tempo, grouping of beats, division of beats, major & minor scales, chromatic scales, key signatures, circle of fifths, musical signs, terms, vocabulary, dynamics & tempo
markings. Students will also learn how to write music & learn to conduct.
This is a good foundational class for any student interested in the music, dance or theatrical field.
Class time: 11:00am - 11:55am - Tuesday
Recommended Age/Grade: 6th grade through high school
Instructor: Jonnee D'Armond
Cost: $45 a month
Min/Max: 4/12
Supplies: Pencils, Erasers, Staff Paper, 3 Ring Binder with sheet protectors
Book: "Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory Complete". You can purchase this book at Ken Stanton Music Store.