Advanced Sewing
Have you been sewing for a while, can follow directions from a sewing pattern and have made shirts and dresses before? Or have you completed Ms. Karen’s Beginner Sewing class? If you said YES to either, you are ready for this class that will focus more on detailed garment construction. It's time to get the most out of your sewing!
Class time: 2:00pm - 2:55Pm - Tuesday
Recommended age Age/Grade: 4th grade and up
Instructor: Ms. Karen
Cost: $50 a month
Supply Fee: $25
Min/Max: 4/12
Parents are invited to take this class too!!!!
Each student will need to have a portable sewing machine of his/her own. There are several good models in the Singer line that would serve you well. Also on Amazon you can get great buys on Singer and Janome. You can't go wrong with these brands. Please do not buy a machine that uses the Quick load thread cassette system. You will be responsible for other sewing tools and supplies. A list will be provided the first day of class, supplies can vary by project.
Sewing supply list: (each student) Student should have most of their basic supplies from Beginning Sewing. Teacher will purchase some of the necessary supplies with supply fee. Student will be still be expected to purchase supplies like fabrics, threads, patterns, etc.