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American Sign Language 2


This learner-centered course is designed is the second in a series of courses designed to develop the skills and knowledge needed to communicate in American Sign Language. It builds upon the basic grammatical, linguistic, communicative and cultural concepts learned in ASL 1. Students will continue to learn and use vocabulary, fingerspelling, numbers, and grammatical features of ASL. Students acquire basic grammatical and lexical skills that will enable them to communicate in routine social or professional situations within an authentic cultural context.



Please note: This is a HIGH SCHOOL level class, for high school credit.

Class time: 3:00am - 3:55pm - Tuesday

Recommended Age/Grade: 8th grade and above recommended

Instructor: Ms. Kristy

Cost: $50.00 per month

Supply Fee: $10

Min/Max:   4/12


This course is self paced. Since we meet only one day a week, much of the learning will be done by the student at home, coming together in the classroom to share what we have learned and communicate with each other. 


Class size is limited to 12 Seats



Supplies: Notebook, pencil, current text using


Text: Barron’s E-Z American Sign Language


ISBN-13: 978-0764144585

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