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Band and Orchestra


The Inspire homeschool band and orchestra classes are designed for home school students who do not have the opportunity to be in a traditional school band program. Your student will learn how to read music, including Rhythms, Note Names, Styles of Music etc. while having the opportunity to play together in a group environment.  Students will also learn how to worship God through playing their instrument. 


Class time:  3:00am - 3:55am - Tuesday

Recommended Age/Grade:  4th grade through high school

Instructor: Jonnee' D'Armond

Cost: $25 a month for Inspire students taking band/orchestra instrument music lessons at Inspire with one of our band/orchestra instuctors

          $75 a month for students taking music lessons elsewhere


Min/Max:   10/20


Supplies: Instrument, Wire Music Stand, BATTERY OPERATED music stand light, Book Essential Elements 2000 Book 1, 2 or 3 depending the level of the Student, Black 3 Ring Binder & pencil.


Each student must supply their own instrument.  Students will be required to practice 30 minutes a day to receive a full class credit.   There will be  homework.


Although not required, it is highly suggested student have outside private instruction on their chosen instrument.


Your student is also required to participate in a recital/concert up to 2 times a year

as well as play for graduation exercises.















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