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Apologia General Science


This middle school science course covers such topics as the scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, archaeology, geology, paleontology, biology, and human anatomy and physiology. It will prepare your student for High School level science courses.Designed to be a student's first systematic introduction to the sciences, Exploring Creation with General Science, 2nd Ed.explores topics such as the scientific method, designing experiments, simple machines, geology, archaeology, biology, anatomy and other disciplines, providing a wide range of scientific exposure. Hands-on experiments are included throughout, giving students practical experience as they discover the principles behind the science! Looking at the world from a creationist position, topics are all presented with an eye towards God's role in everyday life.



Class time: 11:00am - 11:55am - Tuesday

Recommended Age/Grade: 7/8th grade recommended

Instructor: Mrs. Karen Dingler

Cost: $50.00 per month

Lab Supply Fee: $25.00 one time fee

Min/Max:   4/12



Class size is limited to 12 Seats




Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science 2nd Ed  - Student Text

  • Exploring Creation with General Science - Student Text

  • ISBN-13: 9781932012866

  • Publisher: Apologia Educational Ministries, Incorporated


Binder with loose leaf paper, pencils, colored pencils

Some odds and ends items may need to be brought in from home


(Note: The Apologia teacher companion book with answers and tests is not required, not needed and not recommended for this class.)



Please note: Because of the differences between the first and second editions,

students in a group setting cannot use both. They must all have the same edition.

We will be using the 2nd edition


Student book may be purchased from




  •   (usually has the best price) 


  • Homeschool Hangout, 




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